What are BioRhythms?
BioRhythms Control Your Life...
now you can control your BioRhythms
- Who wants to know when they are at their luckiest? When to choose their lottery numbers or when to make that bet? When is it the worst time to buy or sell that stock?
- Who wants to know the best day to go on that first date, or take that test, or ask for a raise, make that call or even when to make that key decision?
- Would you like to know when you are likely to be most injury prone? Could you maybe avoid the gym or the jog that day instead?
- Who wants to avoid life threatening diseases and be able to dodge the catastrophic events in your life?
- Or who wants to know when it is the best time to just do nothing, apart from chill out and watch TV or have a pamper day, because whatever you try to do on that day will not go well.
So what the heck is a BioRhythm and do you ever have really bad days?
Maybe you tripped over the dog as you were getting out of bed, bumped the car on the way to work because you were distracted by the kids, messed up on a major project that you needed to get right, had a big row with your spouse and then burned dinner...and you wished you had stayed in bed. We all have days like that. But we also have good days. Wouldn't you like to have an early warning system that will tell you when the bad days are coming and, of course, the good ones?
So why are some days good and others terrible?
Its so easy to blame it all on fate. But what if I told you that by calculating your biorhythm cycles you could avoid having bad days? What if this also allowed you to avoid mistakes and improve your physical and mental health?
All you need to turn those bad days into good days is a basic understanding of biorhythms and how to use them to your advantage. There is no rocket science involved, just a few calculations that you don’t even have to do yourself.
We can do it all for you and send you a report that covers the next month - it's as easy as that!
Is this BioRhythm stuff for real?
A lot of research has gone into the concept of biorhythms and they have been used successfully to optimize performance for many years.
The 23 and 28-day rhythms used by biorhythmists were first devised in the late 19th century by Wilhelm Fliess, a Berlin physician and friend of Sigmund Freud. Fliess believed that he observed regularities at 23 and 28-day intervals in a number of phenomena, including births and deaths. He labeled the 23-day rhythm 'male' and the 28-day rhythm 'female', matching the menstrual cycle.
In 1904, Viennese psychology professor Hermann Swoboda came to similar conclusions. Alfred Teltscher, professor of engineering at the University of Innsbruck, developed Swoboda's work and suggested that his students' good and bad days followed a rhythmic pattern. He believed that the brain's ability to absorb, mental ability and alertness ran in 33-day cycles. One of the first academic researchers of biorhythms was Estonian-born Nikolai Pärna, who published a book in German called Rhythm, Life and Creation in 1923.
In reality, biorhythm awareness is a powerful tool that has numerous beneficial applications. It can help us make the most of our everyday lives and it can help professionals of all types consistently perform to the best of their abilities.
So, are you ready to learn about how to use the knowledge of biorhythms to your advantage? Well, let’s get started!
Let’s look at the three basic biorhythms...
The Physical Cycle
Originally considered the male cycle, the physical cycle influences the body’s functions. It lasts 23 days.
The physical cycle is related to strength and energy. It influences coordination and sexual function and it has shown a strong correlation with our health and immune function.
The Emotional Cycle
The emotional cycle was originally associated with females. It is 28 days in length.
Many of our emotions are related to the emotional cycle. It influences our mood, creativity, sensitivity and how well we get along with others. This cycle is unique in that our highest, lowest and critical days (which we will discuss shortly) fall on the same day of the week that we were born.
The Intellectual Cycle
The intellectual cycle lasts 33 days. This cycle has been confirmed through research and is thought to be linked to hormones and to thyroid secretions.
The intellectual cycle influences how our brain works. It has an effect on our ability to think logically, learn and remember, as well as our creativity and decision making.
How the cycles work
Biorhythms are calculated using a sine equation. The equations for these three basic biorhythms are as follows (where t is the number of days since birth):
- Physical: sin(2πt/23)
- Emotional: sin(2πt/28)
- Intellectual: sin(2πt/33)
Of course, you don’t have to do all of the calculations yourself. That would be very time consuming especially if you would like to know all three cycles over a long period of time.
We can do all of the calculations for you and send you a full summary of your cycles for the next month or even the next quarter.
A biorhythm chart can let you know where your biorhythms are at a glance.
All biorhythms begin on our birthdate at zero. They move up from there, until reaching their peak (100%), then back down. They once again reach zero halfway through the cycle, then proceed to dip into the negative until they reach –100%. By the end of the cycle, they have made their way back up to zero, and the process starts over. This forms a uniform wave pattern for each cycle.
Since the cycles have different lengths, we reach highs and lows for them at different times. One can be on the upswing while another is on the downswing. The three biorhythms only become synchronized at zero twice in most people’s lives: At birth, and a couple of months after their 58th birthday.
Positive and negative phases
The positive phase is the time when a biorhythm is above zero. This is the time when we are at our best physicaly, emotionaly or intellectualy, but it is not without its potential drawbacks.
- On positive physical days, we have more energy and stamina, and our health tends to be better. Our sex drives are at their peak. On the downside, at the highest points in our physical cycles, we might be more prone to reckless behavior.
- On positive emotional days, we are in a good mood and get along easily with others. On very high positive days, we might be overly emotional, impulsive and prone to outbursts.
- On positive intellectual days, we are better able to solve problems, come up with good ideas, and remember things. We are eager to expand our minds, and may become bored on the highest positive days if we don’t have the opportunity to do so.
Negative phases occur when a biorhythm dips below zero. These do not necessarily leave us at our worst, though. They’re more like a recharging phase.
- Negative physical days find us needing more rest, and our immunity might not be at its best. Our sex drives are usually lower, and we may be prone to overexertion and overindulgence.
- On days when our emotional cycle is in the negative phase, we may be withdrawn, preferring quiet time alone to the company of others. Some experience lower levels of emotion, while others become depressed, especially when their cycles reach the lowest point.
- On negative intellectual days, we might have a tough time trying to make decisions, be unable to concentrate, and have trouble communicating effectively with others.
What are critical days?
On your biorhythm chart, the critical days are the days to watch out for. These are the days when a given cycle reaches zero, whether on the up-swing or the down-swing. The days before and after critical days are known as sub-critical. Critical and sub-critical days are when we are at our most vulnerable, and when we need to be the most cautious.
- Critical days in the physical cycle find us more likely to have health problems. You might catch colds more easily, or pre-existing health problems, such as high blood pressure, might flare up. You may tire very easily on these days. This is also the time when you are most likely to become injured. These are the days you might want to skip the gym or a jog.
- In the emotional cycle, critical days are when you are most prone to feeling down and have other negative feelings. You might find it difficult to get along with others, and you could be more sensitive than usual. You should avoid confrontations with your friends, family or significant other.
- Critical days in the intellectual cycle adversely affect your ability to think, learn and remember. You might be less articulate, and you may misjudge or miscalculate things. You might lose your wallets or your keys. On intellectual critical days, you might want to avoid making critical decisions, exams or interviews if possible.
Sometimes we reach a critical phase in more than one cycle at the same time. It’s especially important to be careful when this happens!
Critical is not always bad
If you are aware of them, and can plan effectively, they can actually work out very well for you. There can be a lot of extra energy on critical days and sometimes critical days are when we have our greatest break-throughs.
Using Biorhythms to break bad habits and create good ones
We can increase our chances of breaking bad habits and creating good habits if we understand and use our biorhythms. This could be used to quit smoking, stop overeating or stop procrastinating.
Try to find a point where 2 of your cycles (even better if all 3) are about to go into a poitive phase. Start your new habit, or start trying to break your old habit, at this point. The up-swing of your cycles will help massively in your effort to create the new habit.
Understanding BioRhythm cycles can change your life for the better
If you’re experiencing life as a roller coaster, your biorhythms might be the cause. Understanding them can be the key to turning things around. Knowing your cycles is important. It is the first step toward making your life more stable and productive. For maximum benefit, you can use the knowledge to prepare yourself for the peaks, troughs and critical days.
Biorhythm science is not a difficult concept to grasp but it takes time and effort to work out properly. The good news is that anyone can do it. You don’t need to be a math genius or a biorhythm expert.
We can do all the heavy lifting for you with our monthly or quarterly personal reports!
A BioRhythm report will do all the hard work for you. It will reduce your chances of having an accident. It will help you avoid sickness. It will eliminate mistakes in judgement and help you improve relationships.
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